Welcome to the Open School!
We have been serving Laramie families since 1971! We are proud to partner with Laramie families in the early education of their children for over 50 years!

The Open School, a Wyoming 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation was founded in 1971 by parents and residents of Laramie who felt the need for an alternative to the public schooling then available in the early grades.
The Open School is a private, non-religious educational center. The Open School is licensed by the Wyoming Department of Family Services (DFS) to provide daycare for children. The Open School is licensed to provide care on a 1:10 staff:child ratio for 3 year olds and 1:12 staff:child ratio for 4/5 year olds. We have a preschool classroom (age 3), a PreK classroom (age 4), and a Transitional Kindergarten (TK) classroom (age 5 by December). The TK classroom is perfect for those who miss the Kindergarten cutoff of August 1st or desire an extra year before beginning Kindergarten.
The Open School is staffed by experienced, qualified and caring teachers. A volunteer Parent-Board of Directors sets all school policies, makes employment decisions, and manages the financial matters of the School. The Open School Board members and parents involve themselves to varying degrees in school operations, fund-raising, etc.