We believe in outdoor play! We have a large playground with areas such as a sandbox, bike path, soccer net, climbing equipment, benches, flower beds and garden boxes, swings, slides, ropes and trees. We go outside for learning and play year-round, as weather allows.
The Open School follows the same policy as all Albany County School District schools in determining outdoor recess:
When temperatures are zero or above, recess will be outside. Anything negative will be inside. Temperatures include the wind chill.
The Open School weather station is located at the University of Wyoming for an accurate neighborhood temperature. We use the WeatherBug App – and the University of Wyoming as the location. A link is below:
(then search location – University of Wyoming)

Air Quality: When we have smoke or poor air quality:
DFS (Dept of Family Services) has advised that we use airnow.gov to check air quality.
*Green – good 0 to 50 – normal
*Yellow – moderate 51-100 close windows and doors, eat inside, – we won’t walk to parks, they will have recess, but not extended, long recess periods
*Orange and above 101 on up – stay inside, close windows and doors, no outside play